OEI Trauma Therapy

Observed & Experiential Integration

OEI is an effective therapy for resolving and processing psychological trauma & shock, treating addictions & eating disorders, providing relief from anxiety or panic, reducing emotional and physical intensity, improving relationships / attachments (couples, families, groups), and improving performance (artistic, athletic, professional). 

The eyes are connected to the limbic brain, where emotions, trauma symptoms, & fight/flight/freeze responses are stored. OEI Therapy utilizes a variety of techniques with the eyes, to calm the brain.

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OEI Therapy reduces the following trauma symptoms: 

Upsetting & unexpected memories about a stressful event

Bad dreams related to a stressful event that feels like it is happening in the dream

Acting or feeling as if the stressful event is happening right now

Feeling very emotionally upset when you are reminded of a stressful event

Strong physical reactions when reminded of a stressful event (sweating, heart beating fast)

Avoiding activities, people, places or things that remind you of a stressful event

Not being able to remember an important part of a stressful event

Negative changes in how you think about yourself, others or the world after a stressful event

Having a very negative emotional state (afraid, angry, guilty, ashamed)

Thinking a stressful event happened because you or someone else did something wrong

Losing interest in activities you used to enjoy before a stressful event

Not being able to have positive feelings (being happy, having loving feelings)

Feeling irritable or having angry outbursts without a good reason and taking it out on other people or things

Being overly alert or on guard, jumpy, or easily startled

Problems with concentration

Trouble falling or staying asleep (UCLA Trauma Screen)